USC LinguisticsPublications

USC Linguistics Dissertations
NACCL (North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics) Proceedings
SCOPIL: Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics


price = US$ 17.00 (price for the author = $13.00) - EACH
shipping/handling = US$ 6.00 (within U.S.) / US$ 8.00 (elsewhere) - EACH COPY

Arnaiz, A.R. 


N-Words and Wh-in-situ: Nature and Interactions

Authier, J-M. 


The syntax of unselective binding

Brizuela, M.


Definiteness types in Spanish: a study of natural discourse


Camacho, J.A. 


The Syntax of NP Coordination


Choueiri, L.


Issues in the Syntax of Resumption: Restrictive Relatives in Lebanese Arabic


Franco, J. 


On object agreement in Spanish


Goad, H. 


On the Configuration of Height Features


Gonzalez, C


The Effect of Stress and Foot Structure on Consonantal Processes


Halmari, H. 


A Government Approach to Intrasentential Finnish-English Code-Switching


Heggie, L. 


The syntax of copular structures


Herburger, E. 


In the Event of Focus


Hudson, W. 


Pragmatic Constraints on Binding into Noun Phrases


Katada F. 


The representation of anaphoric relations in logical form


Landa, A. 


Conditions on Null Objects in Basque Spanish and Their Relation to Leismo and Clitic-Doubling


Maia, M. 


The Comprehension of Object Anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese


Martin, J. 


On the Syntactic Structure of Spanish Noun Phrases


Martinez-Gil, F. 


Topics in Spanish Historical Phonology: A Non-Linear Approach


Megerdoomian, K


Beyond Words and Phrases: A Unified Theory of Predicate Composition


Modesto, M. 


On the Identification of Null Arguments


Roberts, I.G. 


The Representation of Implicit and Dethematized Subjects


Romera, M. 


Discourse Functional Units: A Re-Examination of Discourse Markers with Particular Reference to Spanish 


Russell, K. 


A Constraint-based approach to phonology and morphology


Sanchez, L. 


The Syntax of nominal Structures: A comparative stude of Spanish and Southern Quechua.


Schneider-Zioga, P. 


The syntax of clitic doubling in Modern Greek


Ueyama, A. 


Two Types of Dependency


Yoshimura, N. 


Scrambling and anaphora in Japanese


NACCL Proceedings
price = US$ 17.00 (price for the author = $13.00) - EACH VOLUME
shipping/handling = US$ 6.00 (within U.S.) / US$ 8.00 (elsewhere) - EACH VOLUME

SCOPIL: Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics

price = US$ 6.00 - $17.00 - EACH
shipping/handling = US$ 6.00 (within U.S.) / US$ 8.00 (elsewhere) - EACH

Order Information

Information about pricing and shipping/handling costs is listed below.  Please see our list of publications available for sale. Prices effective July 5, 2001.

Dissertations (US) $ 17.00  (price for the author = $13.00)
NACCL proceedings (US) $ 17.00 EACH VOLUME  (price for contributor = $13.00 each volume)
SCOPIL publications prices vary (US $4 - $17)

Note: Publication orders are available for shipping by surface mail only.  We are unable to send orders via express mail.

Domestic orders (US) $ 6.00  each volume
International orders (US) $ 8.00  each volume

GSIL Publications
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Grace Ford Salvatori 301
Los Angeles CA  90089-1693

Please allow 4-6 weeks for order processing and delivery.
For more information, please contact Karma Dolma at

GSIL Publications for Sale

Last updated August 26, 2004 by Michael Rushforth